[Canvas] CANVAS 6.86 Released

Christos Kalkanis chris at immunityinc.com
Wed Mar 20 16:54:07 EDT 2013

#                       *CANVAS Release 6.86*                          #

*Date*: 20 March 2013

*Version*: 6.86 ("Zwei")

*Download URL*: https://canvas.immunityinc.com/cgi-bin/getcanvas.py

*Release Notes*:

For this release we bring you the latest Adobe Flash Player clientside
(adobe_flash_regexp) and a privilege escalation module for MySQL.

Moreover, we include a post-exploitation module for Windows 32 and
Windows 64 MOSDEF nodes that will set the current thread I/O and memory
priority to max.


o MOSDEF/Win64: New MOSDEF-wrapped functions, 'long long *' bugfix in cparse2

o callbackloop (fixed stack corruptions)

o clientd (can now run multiple instances on different ports)

o java_MBeanInstantiator_findClass: updated to bypass the java security

==New Modules==

o adobe_flash_regexp (Adobe Flash Player Regex Heap Overflow)

o CVE_2012_5613 (MySQL Privilege Elevation Exploit)

o threadio (Sets current thread IO and memory priority to max)

*CANVAS Tips 'n' Tricks*:

We have updated our java MBeanInstantiator module to bypass the security
warning by serving it as a serialized applet using the technique described
at: http://immunityproducts.blogspot.com.ar/2013/02/keep-calm-and-run-this-applet.html

Do try it out and remember that you can use HTTP/HTTPS MOSDEF support in clientd
to transparently make use of corporate proxies and get MOSDEF working in
restrictive environments.


Support email      : support at immunityinc.com
Sales support      : sales at immunityinc.com
Support/Sales phone: +1 786-220-0600


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