[Canvas] CANVAS 6.87 released

Christos Kalkanis chris at immunityinc.com
Thu May 30 15:59:04 EDT 2013

#                       *CANVAS Release 6.87*                          #

*Date*: 30 May 2013

*Version*: 6.87 ("Eins")

*Download URL*: https://canvas.immunityinc.com/cgi-bin/getcanvas.py

*Release Notes*:

For this release we bring you the latest Java clientside (java_DynamicBinding),
a local Windows privilege escalation module (novell_nicm), a remote exploit
for the Nginx chunked transfer stack overflow and, finally, a module 
that can be used to remotely control vulnerable MDaemon mail servers.

We also include inject_from_mem which is our take on remote library injection,
for both Windows and OSX (32/64bit).


o Core updates for CENTOS6/RHEL6

o All DLL payloads (as used by BuildMOSDEFDLL) have been improved. Combined
  with inject_from_mem, they no longer hijack the thread that was used to
  inject them.

==New Modules==

o java_DynamicBinding (Java Dynamic Type Binding Remote Code Execution)

o novell_nicm (Novell nicm.sys Local Privilege Escalation Attack)

o nginx_chunk (Nginx Chunked Encoding Stack Buffer Overflow)

o mdaemon_control (Remotely control a vulnerable MDaemon server)

o inject_from_mem (in-memory dynamic library injection)

*CANVAS Tips 'n' Tricks*:

We have updated all our DLL payloads to better work with our new `inject_from_mem'
module. They will now adhere to DllInit semantics and properly initialize MOSDEF
in a new thread. To try the new injector, simply `BuildMOSDEFDLL' and 


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