[Canvas] CANVAS 6.97 released

Alfredo Pesoli alfredo at immunityinc.com
Tue Dec 23 09:31:40 EST 2014

#                       *CANVAS Release 6.97*                          #

*Date*: 23 December 2014

*Version*: 6.97

*Download URL*: https://canvas.immunityinc.com/cgi-bin/getcanvas.py

*Release Notes*:

In this CANVAS release we are bringing you 3 new modules and bugfixes
for MOSDEF over PHP and Linux x86_64.
New modules include 2 web exploits (Cacti and WP-Symposium), and the
infamous sandworm exploit (ms14-060).


o Linux x86_64 MOSDEF fixes

o PHP MOSDEF fixes

o converttomosdef x86_64 fix

==New Modules==

o CVE_2014_5261 (Cacti post-auth command injection)

o wpsymposium_rce (WP-Symposium pre-auth RCE)

o sandworm (ms14-060 Windows OLE RCE)

*CANVAS Tips 'n' Tricks*:

We bring you important fixes for our MOSDEF protocol (Linux, PHP) in our
current release. Now you can fully take advantage of our PHP exploits,
transforming a php node into a full x86_64 mosdef node and combining
that with our local privilege escalation modules!


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Sales support       : sales at immunityinc.com
Support/Sales phone : +1 786-220-0600


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