[Canvas] CANVAS 6.75 Released

Christos Kalkanis chris at immunityinc.com
Thu Dec 29 17:37:39 EST 2011

#                       *CANVAS Release 6.75*                          #

*Date*: 29 December 2011

*Version*: 6.75 ("Formless")

*Download URL*: https://canvas.immunityinc.com/cgi-bin/getcanvas.py

*Release Notes*:

This release comes with 4 new exploits. First, we have pdf_u3d, a
clientside for the recently disclosed Adobe Reader U3D vulnerability.
An excellent way to gain access on systems that use the Adobe Reader
plugin in their browsers.

Our second new exploit, plone, is a remote command execution module
that will pop up a MOSDEF node against Linux systems that run the
vulnerable Plone/Zope setup.

Finally, our two new Windows kernel local privilege escalation
exploits, ms11_080 and ms11_098, cover the whole gamut of Windows systems
from XP up to 7.


o Improvements to command line

o Improvements to mysqllib

o Improvements to Android MOSDEF & listener

==New Modules==

o pdf_u3d (Adobe Acrobat Reader U3D exploit)

o plone (Plone/Zope Remote Command Execution)

o ms11_080 (AfdJoinLeaf Pointer Overwrite Local Privilege Escalation)

o ms11_098 (Windows Kernel Exception Handler Privilege Escalation)

*CANVAS Tips 'n' Tricks*:

Web application vulnerabilities are often the easiest way into a target
network and our new Plone/Zope exploit offers reliable remote exploitation
through a blind command execution window. Try it and see how easy it is!


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Sales support      : sales at immunityinc.com
Support/Sales phone: +1 786-220-0600


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